用英语说中国历史名人:Tao Qian陶潜(双语阅读)

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Tao Qian (365~427) born in Xunyang (Jiujiang, Jiangxi  Province), also called  Tao  Yuanming, courtesy name Yuanliang, was one of China's greatest poets and a noted recluse.

陶潜(365 ~ 427 ),江西浔阳(今九江)人,也叫陶渊明,字元亮。中国最伟大的诗人之一,著名隐士。

Born into an impoverished aristocratic family, Tao Qian took a minor official post while in his 20s in order to support his aged parents.


After about 10 years at that post and a brief term as county magistrate, he resigned from official life, repelled by its excessive formality and widespread corruption.


With his wife and children he retired to a farming village south of the Yangtze River.


Despite the hardships of a farmer's life and frequent food shortages, Tao was contented, writing poetry, cultivating the chrysanthemums that became inseparably associated with his poetry, and drinking wine, also a common subject of his verse.


Because the taste of Tao's contemporaries was for an elaborate and artificial style, his simple and straightforward poetry was not fully appreciated until the Tang Dynasty(618~907).

因为与陶潜同时代的人喜欢“富艳难踪”的文章,所以他平淡自然的诗篇直到唐朝(618~907 )才得到充分的重视。

A master of the five-word line, Tao has been described as the first great poet of tianyuan ("fields and gardens"), landscape poetry inspired by pastoral scenes (as opposed to the then-fashionable shanshui “mountains and rivers" poetry).


Essentially a Daoist in his philosophical outlook on life and death, he also freely adopted the elements of Confucianism and Buddhism that most appealed to him.


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