Guo Moruo (1892~1978), originally named Guo Kaizhen, literary name Shangwu, alias Dingtang, was born in Leshan of Sichuan Province.
He was the representative poet and playwright of chronicle play of the great May Fourth period of enlightenment, the prophet-poet of new China.
He was the Satanical poet whose appearance was fervently summoned by Lu Xun. His rebellious idiosyncrasy of being unrestricted and capricious, optimistic and progressive contributed to his writing style, which was vigorous and unconventional.
His first poetry anthology The Goddess gave free rein to the powerful imagination through which he could transform things in the universe into poetic beings that served as animated objects of his emotional response. In expressing the desire to break out of the confines of feudalism, in voicing strong demands for social reform and in emitting boundless enthusiasm for the commendation and pursuit of high ideals. The Goddess distinctly reflected the characteristics of the May Fourth Movement. Indeed, in poetic terms it was the strongest voice of this period. An image was created with the passionate yearning for light and the pursuit of ideals. In the poem the outpourings of the heart and the rapid tempo of poetic melody fully demonstrated the poet's hurricane-like creative power at work. The Goddess was steeped in revolutionary romanticism. The poems, artistically characterized by their strong colors, passionate tone and quick tempo, amply revealed the poet's galloping imagination, boldness of expression and great powers of conception. By freeing himself from the fetters of the old poetry, Guo Moruo created a new world for the post-May Fourth freeverse. Its influence could not be overstated in paving the way for poets of the new poetry. The poetry of Guo Moruo with its overflowing revolutionary romanticism opened a new chapter in the history of modern Chinese poetry.
His achievement in the writing of historical plays was outstanding. The representative works included Qu Yuan, Zhuo Wenjun, Wang Zhaojun, The Tiger Tally, The Gall Bladder of the Peacock, The Twin Flowers, etc, in which he “used the past to explain the present".
He grasped the essence of history and, in accordance with the laws of art and the development of plot, incorporated his own hopes and ideals in what he wrote. Boldly he experimented, aiming to achieve “resemblance through omission of certain facts".
His historical dramas had sublime tragic beauty, incisive historical opinions and passionate personal emotions, which reflected his strong sense of social responsibility and political participation.
In addition, Guo Moruo's achievements in the study of history, archaeology and paleography were also most impressive.