用英语说中国历史名人:Mo Zi墨子(双语阅读)

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Mo Zi (470 B. C.~391 B. C.) was a Chinese philosopher.


According to tradition, Mo Zi was originally a follower of the teachings of Confucius, until he became convinced that Confucianism laid too much emphasis on a burdensome code of rituals and too little on religious teaching, at which time Mo Zi decided to go his own way and finally evolved a doctrine of universal love that gave rise to a religious movement called Mohism.


Mo Zi's life, however, resembled that of Confucius in many important respects. 


He was widely read and well versed in the tradition of the Chinese Classics.


Except for a brief period when he held public office. Mo Zi spent most of his life traveling from one feudal state to another in the hope of meeting a prince who would allow him to put his teachings into practice.


The Mo Zi, the principal Mohist work, condemned offensive war and urged people to lead a simple life harmful to none. 


The gist of it is found in the three sets of chapters of its second section, which give an overview of the 10 major tenets: exaltation of the virtuous, identification with the superior, universal love, condemnation of offensive war, economy of expenditures, simplicity in funerals, will of heaven, on ghosts, denunciation of music as a wasteful activity, and antifatalism. 

《墨子》要点在中篇的三组文章里。这些要点给出了十大命题: “尚贤”、“尚同”、“兼爱”、“非攻”、“节用”、“节葬”、“天志”、“明鬼”、“非乐”、“非命”。

Since Mohism split into three schools after Mo Zi's death, the three sets of chapters may well represent the three sets of texts preserved by the three schools.


The other sections of Mo Zi might be listed as follows: First , summaries and abstracts of Mo Zi's teachings; Second, discussions on logic and physical sciences; Third, records of Mo Zi's doings and sayings; Finally, a manual of military defense.

《墨子》的其它部分是:一,墨子教义的总结和摘要; 二,逻辑思想和物理科学; 三,墨子的言行记录; 四,守城技巧与城防制度。

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