用英语说中国历史名人:Xin Qiji辛弃疾(双语阅读)

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Xin Qiji (1140~1207), literary name Jiaxuan, courtesy name You'an, was a Chinese poet and master soldier whose ci (poems written to existing musical patterns) are considered by many critics to be the best of the Southern Song Dynasty(1127~1279).

辛弃疾(1140~1207),字幼安,号稼轩,诗人、宋词大师。许多评论家认为辛弃疾的词是南宋(1127~1279 )最好的词。

Xin Qiji became a soldier to avenge the dishonourable victory of the Jin over the Song, but he found no chance to carry out his great ambitions because he moved to the south in 1162.


After a nearly 20-year military career, he finally retired to a retreat in beautiful Shangrao county, where he spent his time reading and creating the ci that were to bring him lasting fame.


His 623 carefully crafted ci are important for their controlled experimentation with, and expansion of, the existing ci form; he added to it an emotional depth untapped until that time and widely imitated afterward.


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