用英语说中国历史名人:Wu Cheng'en吴承恩(双语阅读)

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Wu Cheng'en (1500~1582) was a novelist and poet of the Ming Dynasty, generally acknowledged as the author of the Chinese folk novel Xiyouji (Journey to the West).


Wu received a traditional Confucian education and became known for his cleverness in the composition of poetry and prose in the classical style.


Throughout his life he displayed a marked interest in bizarre stories, such as the set of oral and written folktales that formed the basis of Xiyouji.


In its 100 chapters Xiyouji details the adventures of a cunningly resourceful monkey who accompanies the Buddhist priest Xuanzang on a journey to India.


Like all novels of its time, Xiyouji was written in the vernacular, as opposed to the officially accepted classical style, and therefore had to be published anonymously to protect the author's reputation.


As a result, the identity of the novelist was long unknown outside of Wu's native district.


Only two volumes of Wu's other writings have survived; these were discovered in the imperial palaces and were reprinted in 1930.


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