用英语说中国历史名人:Zhao Youqin赵友钦(双语阅读)

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Zhao Youqin (1271~1335) was a Chinese astronomer, mathematician, and Daoist who calculated the value of π, constructed astronomical instruments, conducted experiments with a camera obscura, and compiled an influential astronomical compendium.

赵友钦(1271~1335 ),天文学家、数学家、道士。赵友钦算出了圆周率的值,建造了天文仪器,做了小孔成像实验并编了一本有影响的天文学纲要。

Zhao was one of the patriarchs of the northern branch of the Quanzhen ("Complete Perfection") sect of Daoism.


His astronomical treatise Gexiang xinshu (“New Writing on the Symbol of Alteration”) presents his cosmological theory featurfing a flat Earth inside a spherical Heaven, his explanation of the lunar and solar eclipses, and his experiments with a camera obscura to establish the relationship between the luminosity of an image of a source of light and the distance of the source from the pinhole.


The book also  describes his methods of remote surveying with gnomons to measure the distance from the Earth to the  Sun, the Moon, and the stars, as well as his procedure for evaluating π using inscribed regular polygons of 4, 8, …, 16,384 sides.


Following Liu Hui(flourished c. 263), this is the second extant Chinese procedure for the evaluation of π.


Zhao stated that his goal was to confirm the value 355 / 113 obtained by Zu Chongzhi (429~500), yet his calculations may have allowed him to prove the validity of the better evaluation 3.1415926<π<3. 1415927, also obtained by Zu.

赵友钦说他的目标是确证祖冲之的355/113,但是他的计算却证明祖冲之估算的另一个值3. 1415926 < π <3.1415927是正确的。

The second extant book of Zhao, Xian  Fo  tongyuan (“On  the  Common  Origins  of [the  Teachings of] Transcendentals and Buddhas”), is devoted to the so-called “Inner Alchemy,” an esoteric discipline focusing on the attainment of immortality via respiratory and  meditative practices.


He designed several astronomical instruments; he used one of these to measure the difference in right ascension between two celestial bodies and another one to find the angular distance from the celestial north pole to a given star.


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