用英语说中国历史名人:Mei Wending梅文鼎(双语阅读)

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Mei Wending (1633~1721) was a Chinese writer on astronomy and mathematics whose work represented an association of Chinese and Western knowledge.

梅文鼎(1633~1721 ),天文学家、数学家。梅文鼎的著作是中西知识联合的结果。

In 1645 China adopted a new, controversial calendar that had been prepared under the direction of the Jesuit Adam Schall von Bell.


Together with his three younger brothers, Mei studied calendar design under the Daoist Ni Guanghu.


A member of a loyalist family, Mei remained independent rather than join the “foreign” Manchu administration, but his fame spread far beyond the boundaries of his Province.


The Kangxi emperor was interested in Mei's work, the Lixue yiwen(c. 1701; “Inquiry on Mathematical Astronomy”), and summoned him to an audience in 1705.


Mei's comparative studies of Chinese and Western mathematics and astronomy expanded on the earlier work of Xu Guangqi (1562~1633).

梅文鼎对中西数学和天文学的比较研究是以徐光启(1562一1633 )的著作为基础的。

Mei tried to situate the new European knowledge properly within the historical framework of Chinese astronomy and mathematics.


In his view, Chinese astronomical knowledge had advanced following the adoption of the new, more accurate Jesuit calendar following the reform initiated by Xu Guangqi in 1629. 


In his historical studies, Mei stressed that Chinese astronomy had improved from generation to generation, progressing from coarseness to accuracy.


Mei gave precisely the same description for the development of Western astronomy.


In other words, he believed that progress was a universal historical pattern. This was Mei's historical rationale for synthesizing Western and Chinese knowledge.


In Jihe bubian (“Complements of Geometry”) Mei calculated the volumes and relative dimensions of regular and semi-regular polyhedrons by traditional Chinese methods. 


He  reinterpreted  Euclid's Elements  in  his Jihe tongjie (“Complete Explanation of Geometry”), by reference to the chapter devoted to right-angled triangles in Jiuzhang suanshu (Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Procedtcres), a mathematical classic completed during the Han Dynasty.


Mei helped rehabilitate traditional Chinese mathematics, and he was most widely admired by the scholars of the Qing Dynasty, who generally assumed that the Nine Chapters included all of mathematics without exception. 


The comprehensive collection of Mei's works, Lisuan quanshu, was published in 1723.


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