用英语说中国历史名人:Fan Zhongyan范仲淹(双语阅读)

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Fan Zhongyan (989~1052), born in Wuxian, Suzhou (in Jiangsu Province today), was a prominent politician and literary figure in Song Dynasty China. He was also a strategist and educator.


His most famous work was Yueyang Lou Ji, composed on occasion of the reconstruction of Yueyang Lou under the governance of a friend of his.


Yueyang Lou, a city gate by the side of Dongting Lake, was known as one of the three great Lou's in Southern China, due to their association with famous literary works (the others being Huanghe Lou and Tengwang Ge).


This commemorative Ji was written in prose, with extensive usage of phrases in four.


It's most famous for the political ideal he expressed at the end, culminating in the oft-quoted “Feel worried before Tianxia starts to worry, and feel happy after Tianxia has rejoiced.”


He was also known for his ci. Among the most famous are Su Mu Zhe and Yu Jia Ao.


Together with Su Shi, he was considered one of the founders of the “haofang"  school of ci.


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