用英语说中国西北旅游亮点Unit 5:火焰山(中英双语)

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Flaming Mountain


Scientific explanation cites tectonic plate movement on the earth's surface during the formation of the Himalayas 50 000 000 years ago. The mountain is barren and extremely hot in summer. During the trek approaching the mountain, visitors will find the soles of their shoes soften in the intense heat. With the red sun overhead, the red mountain looks like a fiery dragon-truly an unforgettable spectacle!


The mountain lies 10 km (6. 2miles) east of Turpan city, covering about 100 km (62miles) from east to west with a width of 9 km (5.6miles). The average height is 500m (1 640feet), while the 831-meter (2 726-foot) -high peak rises above Shengjinkou, a vital pass of the ancient city of Gaochang.

这座山位于吐鲁番市东10公里(6.2英里)处,绵延100公里(62英里),从东到西宽约9公里(5.6英里)。平均高度为500米(1 640英尺),而高为831米(726英尺)的峰超越胜金口,胜金口是古城高昌的重要关卡。

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