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A Brief Introduction of Jade in China


Jade has a history in China of at least four thousands years. Unknown to some,jade is found contained within the development of religion and civilization,having moved from the use of decoration on to the others such as the rites of worship and burial. Although other materials like gold, silver and bronze were also used,none of these have ever exceeded the spiritual position that jade has acquired in peoples' minds — it is associated with merit, morality, grace and dignity. In the funeral objects of the people of the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC - 24 AD), for example, we can see only high officials were buried with jade articles.

玉在中国至少有四千年的历史。一些未知的,玉被发现含有宗教和文明的发展,从用来装饰到其他用途,如祭祀和丧葬的仪式。虽然也使用其他材料,如金,银,铜,这些都没都超过玉在人们心目中的位置- 它与价值,道德,优雅和尊贵有关。在西汉人的随葬品(公元前206年 - 公元24年)中,比如,我们可以看到只有高级官员有随葬玉器。

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