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Rules of Modern Chinese Chess


Today,Chinese chess has very standardized and specific rules of the game. The chess board is a grid of nine files and ten ranks with ninety intersections called points on which the chess pieces are placed. In the middle of the playing field there is a river. The X-shaped area is called “nine palace”. The chess pieces differ in color (black for one side, red for the other). The setup of the chess pieces is like this :general in his palace, while on each side of the general from near to far are placed mandarin, elephant, horse and chariot. Cannons are positioned in their special places in the middle of each territory,and soldiers on the front line near the river. Usually the game starts with a move by the red side first,black side second. The object of thegame is to capture the enemy general. The game is won as soon as oneplayer can make no move that prevents capture of his general. This is checkmate. Stalemate, where one player has no legal move but is not in check,is a win for the last player to move.

如今,中国象棋对比赛非常规范和有具体规则。国际象棋棋盘为9个网格和十行列有90个交叉口在棋子放置点的网格。在比赛场上的中间有一条河流。 X形的区域叫做“九宫”。棋子不同颜色(黑色是一方,红色为另一方)。棋子的设置是这样的:将军在他的宫殿,而在一般每侧由近到远放置吏,象,马和车。炮定位在其特殊的地方,在各地区的中间,士兵在靠近河一线。通常比赛由红方先开始移动,黑方第二。该游戏的目的是捕捉敌人的将军。本场比赛赢家只有一个,那就是当他可以做出任何举动来阻止他的将军被抓。这是把对方将死。僵局,其中一个玩家无法的移动,但还没控制,这样最后一名能移动的选手赢得比赛。

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