用英语说中国北京旅游亮点Unit 1:毛主席纪念堂(中英双语)

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Memoriai Hall of Chairman Mao


The great leader Chairman Mao passed away on Sept. 9,1976. The central government determined to build a memorial hall to preserve Chairman Mao's body. Located between the Monument to the People's Heroes and Zhengyangmen Gate, the memorial hall faces north, opposite Tian'anmen Gate. The foundations was laid on Nov. 24 1976 and the hall completed the following May. Covering an area of 28 000 sq meters,the hall is supported by 44 octagonal granite pillars. Two groups of 8.7-meter-high carvings have been erected in the courtyard. The grand architecture embodies the greatness of Chairman Mao.

伟大领袖毛主席在9月9日,1976年去世了。中央政府决定建立一个纪念馆保护毛主席的遗体。纪念堂坐落在人民英雄纪念碑和正阳门之间,面朝北与天安门门相反。基础铺设于1976年11月24日,大厅在下年的五月完成。大厅占地面积28 000平方公尺,由44个八角形的花岗岩柱子支撑。两组8.7米高的雕刻竖立在院子里。宏伟的建筑体现了毛主席的伟大。

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