用英语说中国华北旅游亮点Unit 1:清东陵(中英双语)

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East Cemetery


East Cemetery situated at the foot of Mt Changrui, west of Malanyu, Zunhua City, Hebei Province, 125km from Beijing in the west, and 150km from Tianjin in the south. It is the largest of the three,surrounded by scenery hills around, 125km long from south to north,and 20km wide from west to east,occupying totally 2 500km2.


The construction started in 1661 and ended 247 years later in 1908. Altogether 15 mausoleums were built here, 5 of emperors, 4 of empresses, 5 of concubines,and the one for a princess east of Malanyu. Their placement observed the principles;the emperor's as the center,the empresses' and the concubines' at the side in order of their ranks, 161 tombs in total.

建设始于1661年,结束于247年之后的1908年。这里共建造了15个陵墓,5个皇帝的、4个皇后的, 5个嫔妃的,马兰峪东面有一个公主的。它们的位置遵循皇帝的在中心,皇后和嫔妃的根据她们的级别排列在两边的原则,总计有161座古墓。

East Cemetery is the largest of the existing imperial graveyards in China, harmonious and integraled with the natural environment to provide a beautiful scene for the world. But the most grandiose two,Yu Mausoleum and East Ding Mausoleum,were blasted open and seriously damaged by troops of warlord Sun Dian-ying in 1928.


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