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  继母虐待年仅六岁的女儿,致其口吐鲜血,伤痕累累…… 这起引起网友愤懑的新闻不想竟是假的!日前,江西鄱阳公安发布了关于丁香小慧“被虐”事件的权威调查通报 —— 千夫所指的“史上最毒后妈”陈彩诗并没有虐待小慧。继母陈彩诗终于沉冤得雪,被还以清白。

  请看《中国日报》相关报道:Jiangxi Province police Tuesday cleared the name of a stepmother accused of abusing a six-year-old girl being treated for her injuries in Shanghai.

  Police in Poyang County announced yesterday that the stepmother is innocent. Bruises covering the girl's body were caused by a fall, "since she suffers a poor blood clotting function," said Cao Haipeng, an official from Shangrao City, which governs Poyang.

  由报道可知,“还人清白”可用动词“clear”来表达,或借用动词短语“clear someone's name”。

  动词“clear”在此表示“使清白无辜,宣告…无罪”,如:The verdict cleared the accused man.(裁决宣判被告人无罪);It's an opportunity to clear oneself.(这是一个为自己辩白的机会。)

  或者,您也可用“to clear one's name”来表达“还以清白”,如:Mitch said the charges were completely untrue and promised he would clear his name.(米奇说那些指控均属子虚乌有,他许诺会证明自己是清白的。)

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