Today, more and more kids are overweight (超重). In China, one in ten kids has this problem.肥胖严重影响着儿童的健康。How can we keep fit?
Are you too heavy?
Let's take Nina as an example. Her height(身高) is 1.4 metres. Her weight(体重) is 50 kilograms. So: 50÷(1.4×1.4)=50÷1.96=25.5
小于20 too thin
20-25 good
大于25 too heavy
Nina的检测结果高于25, 属于“超重”。She has to lose weight(减肥)!
What about you?
Ask your best friend to do the test. If he/she is too heavy, give him/her some advice.
Why do we get fat?
Nina 我就爱吃零食
Mum gives me 20 yuan a week. 我把所有零花钱都用来买零食啦。I like eating. Chips are my favourite. When I'm hungry, I eat them. When I'm not hungry but have nothing else to do, I eat them too. Mum asks me to stop eating like that, but I don't listen. Now, I can't run fast. Maybe mum is right.
Sam 动都不想动
I don't like swimming. I don't like playing football. What I like is to lie on the couch and watch TV. Cartoons are my favourite. I'm getting heavier. 越胖,我就越不想动。Now I'm a couch potato. I don't know how to keep fit.
一对双胞胎,吃同样的饭菜,做同样的运动。One is too heavy. The other isn't. Why? 原来,肥胖除了和生活习惯、遗传有关外,还和新陈代谢能力有关。
Learn it
such as 比如
I like many kinds of fruit such as watermelon. 我喜欢很多种水果,比如西瓜。
take care of 照顾
Take care of yourself. Bye! 保重,再见!
Is your way of life healthy?
1.Do you often play sports?
A Yes. I often go swimming and play football.
B No. I don't like any sports.
2. How do you go to school?
A On foot.
B By car or by bus.
3. Do you often use lifts(电梯)?
A No. I use stairs(楼梯).
B Yes. Lifts are faster.
4. Do you do any housework?
A Yes. I help mum clean the floor and wash the dishes(盘子).
B No. Mum won't let me.
A I eat different kinds of food.
B I only eat what I like.
6. Do you eat while watching TV?
A No. 看电视的时候吃东西容易吃得过多。
B Yes. I often eat and watch TV at the same time.
7. Do you eat fruit and vegetables every day?
A Yes.
B No. I only eat meat.
8. Do you like fast food such as chips and hamburgers?
A No.
B Yes.
9. What do you drink?
A Water and milk.
B Soft drinks such as cola.
10. Do you have breakfast?
A Yes, every day.
B No, I always get up late.
恭喜你,你的生活方式非常健康! You are good at taking care of yourself. You are a happy kid. And you always do a good job at school. 记得要持之以恒哦!
注意啦!You are too heavy, or you are going to get too heavy soon. So, say goodbye to junk food and play more sports!
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