用英语说中国华北旅游亮点Unit 3:那达慕大会(中英双语)

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Nadam Fair


The Nadam Fair,a traditional Mongolian festival,falls in warm and sunny July and August in Inner Mongolia. Organized by the Qi (county) Government it usually lasts for seven days. <Nadam>, in the Mongolian lan-guage means “recreation” or “games”. It first began in the Han Dynasty (206B. C. -220 A. D.). The main activities at the fair include horse racing, archery and wrestling.

蒙古的那达慕大会,一个传统的节日,在温暖和阳光明媚的7月和8月的内蒙古举行。旗(县)政府组织,通常要持续七天。<那达慕>,在蒙古语是“娱乐”或“游戏”的意思。它首先始于汉朝(公元前206 - 公元220年)。大会的主要活动包括赛马、射箭、摔跤。

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