用英语说中国西北旅游亮点Unit 2:青海湖与鸟岛(中英双语)

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Qinghai Lake and Bird Island


Lying 180 km from Qinghai and 3 200 metres above sea level, Qinghai Lake is the largest salt water lake in China;not only that it is also the largest of all lakes, both salt water and fresh, in the whole country. In Qing-hai Lake Bird Island is the most charming and attractive place. Situated on the western shore of Qinghai Lake, the island has largely due to the receding of waters off its shores, been turned into a peninsula. Though it covers an area of slightly less than 1 000 square meters it attracts many migrating birds in spring and summer. To these hundreds of thousands of migrant birds, the island has become a very important bird sanctuary. Thousands of birds of different species such as geese, gulls, sandpipers and cormorants, nest on the island and the sound of its calls, twitters is carried far and away. For these birds as well as bird watching enthusiasts,the island represents nothing short of a piece of heaven. Another attraction on the lake is Haixinshan where according to legend great horses were bred.

青海湖距青海180公里,海拔3 200米,是中国最大的咸水湖;不仅如此它在整个国家的咸水和淡水湖中也是最大的湖泊。在青海湖中鸟岛是最迷人,最有吸引力的地方。鸟岛位于青海湖西岸,很大程度上是由于海域的后退,就变成了一个半岛。虽然占地面积略小于1 000平方米,在春天和夏天它吸引了许多候鸟。对这些成千上万的候鸟来说,小岛上已经成为一个非常重要的鸟类保护区。成千上万不同的鸟类如鹅、海鸥、鹬和鸬鹚在岛上筑巢并且鸟叫声都传到了远方。对于这些鸟类以及观鸟爱好者,岛代表一片天堂。湖上的另一个景点是海心山传说是伟大的马繁殖的地方。

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