用英语说中国华北旅游亮点Unit 2:平遥古城(中英双语)

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The Ancient of Pingyao


This city with a history of over 2 700 years is located in middle of Shanxi Province,90km from Taiyuan City,the provincial capital. Its origin says that this place was awarded to Emperor Yao,namely the Tao Tang family,thus it was called "ancient Tao's land". The city first appeared in 827-782 BC,militarily guarded by Yin Ji-fu,West Zhou Dynasty. Since the 11 Province and County System" by Emperor Qin in 221 BC.the city has been the county seat in all the times. Despite so many events or incidents,it survived practically as it was in the 600 years or more since Ming and Qing Dynasties, and ranks as the only intact ancient city of Ming and Qing Dynasties well preserved in China.

平遥这个城市有700多年的历史位于山西省中部,距省会太原市90公里。它的起源说,这个地方被授予尧,即陶唐,因此被称为“古陶“。这个城市最早出现在公元前827 - 782年的西周王朝,在军事上有尹吉甫守卫。自秦始皇在公元前221年实施的11郡县制,这个城市一直为郡县。尽管经历很多事件或事情,但是自明清以来600年或更多年前幸存下来几乎,是在中国唯一保存完好的明清古城。

The ancient city of Pingyao is known as a treasure house of Chinese classic architecture” which has practically kept its original pattern of the 17-19th centuries,therefore enjoys the reputation of a museum of architecture in Ming and Qing Dynasties”.


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