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Excuse me, but could you give me some change?劳驾,你能换些零钱给我吗?

Let me see. Are dimes and quarters OK?让我瞧瞧。1角和2角5分的硬币行吗?

I want to make a long distance phone call.我是想打个长途电话。Then you'll need small change.那你需要换小零钱。

Sorry to bother you, but do you have change for a one?对不起,麻烦你,你有1元钱的零钱吗?

I'll have to look. What do you want to for?我得看一看。你要零钱干什么?

I need it for the parking meter.我需要零钱投停车记时器。

I can give you quarters, if that'll help.如果2角5分的硬币管用的话,我可以给你换一些。

Pardon me, but I was wondering if you could break a one.对不起,不知你是否能兑开1元钱。

Let me look. What do you need?我来看看。你需要什么样的零钱?

I need the change for the stamp machine.我需要投入自动售邮票机的零钱。

I think dimes and quarters will do.我看1角和2角5分的硬币就可以了。

Excuse me. Could you give me change for a dollar?劳驾,你能不能换1元零钱给我?

I'll see what I have. What do you need it for?我来看看我有什么样的零钱。你要干嘛?

I want to get cigarettes.我要买香烟。

You can use quarters, dimes and nickels.你可以使用2角5分、1角和5分三种硬币。

Hello. Can I speak to Yolanda,please?喂,我找约兰达讲话,可以吗?

Hold on,please.请你等一下。

Thank you.谢谢。

Sorry, but she is out.很抱歉,她出去了。

Would you tell her Tom Gray Called?请你告诉她汤姆i格雷来过电话,好吗?

I'd be glad to.好的。

Hello. Is Marie Ward there, please?喂,请问玛丽i沃德在吗?

I'll see if she's in.我去看看她在不在。


I'm afraid she's not here.很抱歉,她不在。

Could you give her a message, please?请问你能不能带个口信给她?

Yes, of course.当然可以。

Hello. Is Mrs.James in, please?喂,请问詹姆斯太太在家吗?

Hang on, please.请等一下。

All right.好的。

I'm sorry, but I think she's stepped out.对不起,我想她出去了。

Would you ask her to call Larry Ruskin at 8 36-2550?请你让她给拉里i拉斯金挂个电话好吗?电话号码是:836-2550。


Hello. Could I please speak to Miss Davis?喂,麻烦你,请戴维斯小姐听电话。

Just a minute, please.请等一下。


She's not at her desk right now.这会儿她不在办公室办公。

Could you ask her to give Doug a call when she gets back? She has my number.她回来后,你能不能告诉她给道格挂个电话?她有我的Sure.一定转告。

Excuse me. Can you tell me where Main Street is?劳驾,你能告诉我正街在哪里吗?

Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.到第2排红绿灯处往左拐,然后一直往前走,过两个街区。Is it far?远吗?

No. It's only a five-minute walk.不远。只消走5分钟。

Thanks a lot.多谢。

You're welcome.别客气。

Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the station?劳驾,请问到火车站去怎么走?
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