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Traditional Martial Morality


Traditional Wushu morality includes patriotism, uprightness, politeness and faith. In old times,the Wushu community followed strict regulations and commandments. For example, each school had strict requirements about leaching disciples. The regulations of Shaolin Temple included:“Disciples should be selected with great care,and Wushu shall only be taught to those have proved to be honest and upright. ’’The Wudang School also had five rules on admitting disciples;a low-quality, insidious, or bellicose person or one who indulged in excessive drinking would be turned down. Wudang rules also forbade adultery,theft, viciousness,obscenity, and gambling.


Because Wushu's very nature is founded on attack and defense, the slightest neglect of moral discipline can result in injury or even death. In ancient times,the Wushu community forbade attacking a total of eight vital parts of the human body. Today,the modern Wushu community conducts competitions according to the requirements of modern sport,and therefore has drawn up competition rules and moral requirements according to current standards,so as to re-emphasize Wushu morality.


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