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The Origin of Chinese Martial Arts


Wushu in China goes back to ancient times,originating from productive laboring of the ancient ancestry. In the primitive society, being out-numbered by animals and facilitated with only simple tools and inferior productive forces,people had to survive nature by gathering in groups. They lived on hunting with rocks and sticks. Hitting with their hands,kicking with their feet and cutting,chopping or stabbing with simple weapons,they performed all kinds of movements,which displayed certain skills either of defense or attacking. Primitive and instinctive as they were,these performances made up the substantial background of Wushu, ( the clan society, there often occurred battles between the tribes). Armed forces became the means of plundering. Bows, arrows, casting stones and other rocky items appeared as weapons,being improved gradually according to the needs of fight. When having a rest,especially when celebrating their triumphs,people danced to the imitations of defending and attacking movements, stabbing, blowing and kicking. After prolonged attacking movements, stabbing, blowing and kicking. After prolonged accumulation, the experiences began to be raised to the level of consciousness, hence Wushu came into being.


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