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China is a country with rich culture distinctive customs. Due to the culture differences, some customs may be hard to understto the outsiders. Our foreign readers share their thoughts.

1. 在每个节日吃的饭都不重样,即使最小的节日也有自己特殊的食物。

1. Always eating a different food in every single holiday. Even minor holidays have their own special food.

2. 过年的时候长辈发红包给家里的晚辈。

2. Giving hongbao, or red packets with money inside, to family members younger than you. This is if you are of working age. Otherwise you receive the hongbao from others.

3. 过年向父母长辈磕头行礼。

3. Kowtow to parents grandparents.

4. 跟长辈碰杯的时候杯口要在长辈之下,这是为了表示尊重和敬意。

4. When you clink glasses with someone, you need to make sure the point of contact is such that the rim of your glass is lower than the rim of the other person's glass. This is to show respect deference.

5. 过年放鞭炮。

5. Light firecrackers during spring festival.

6. 新人在婚礼上做游戏,闹洞房。

6. Playing pranks at weddings. The groom's friends come up with "challenges" for newlyweds to perform, nothing actually pornographic, but often pretty risqué.


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