用英语说中国传统体育:杂技运动- Chongxiayanzhuo冲狭燕濯(双语阅读)

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Chinese Traditional Folk Performance - Chongxiayanzhuo


Chongxiayanzhuo is a kind of acrobatic show. Chongxia means the body of the player flies through a tube-shaped mat with many sharp arrows inserted all around. Yanzhuo refers to skimming over the water like a swallow.


Developed into the Tang dynasty, a Chongxia performance event named "Gate with Swords" came into being. When they had "Gate with Swords" show, a narrow and long corridor was made with swords and sabers first, then a person riding on a small horse would run through the corridor quickly. It is much more dangerous than the traditional Chongxia because the cooperation between the person and the horse is needed.


Among the acrobatics categories during the period of Ming and Qing, there was a performance of going through the circle, which was quite similar to Chongxia. Such sho  also exists in modern acrobatics, but there is no fire or swords around the circle. It mainly shows the performer's ability of rocketing into the air and turning back in the air, so it is not so dangerous as the traditional Chongxia.


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