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In China's ancient board games, the most influential one is Weiqi. It is not only the fad that its complicated development and its changeable situations rouse people's keen interest, but it contains philosophy as well. Both the theory of yin and yang by Chinese and the politics of the kingly way are contained in a small board.


The Birth of Weiqi


It's normally said that the birth of weiqi dates back to the Yao-Shun-Yu times, and that is more than 4, 000 years ago. According to what "A Survey of Zoology, Botany, Mineralogy, and Physiology etc.” ,by Zhang Hua in the Jin dynasty says "Yao invented Weiqi, and Danzhu was good at it". This saying is adopted in the two books “The Great Britain Encyclopedia” and “The US Encyclopedia".


In the Warring States period, there appeared the first Weiqi ace named Yi Qiu in Chinese written history. Mencius once used the incident of Yi Qiu to prove the importance of concentration on study, but he also used ”the master of Weiqi throughout the whole nation” to praise Yi Qiu, which shows Weiqi might have been rather popular then.


Dark-learning's deep influence on Weiqi Games in Wei and Jin dynasties.


In Qin and Han dynasties, due to the influence of the event-to Burn the Books and Bury the Confucian Scholars Alive by Qin Shihuang (the first emperor of the Qin dynasty), Weiqi was silent for quite a while. However, until the end of Han coincident with Wei and Jin dynasties, Weiqi had its first peak in its development history.


At the end of Han coincident with Wei and Jin dynasties, the conspicuous characteristic was the joining in of a lot of celebrities. According to the history record, Cao Cao, Sun Ce, Lu Xun, and Zhuge Jin and so on in the Period of the Three Kingdoms were addicted to Weiqi. The famous story about Guan Yunchang that he was playing Weiqi with his General Ma Liang while he received operation on his leg with no anaesthetic at all from the miracle-making doctor Hua Tuo also happened in the Three Kingdoms. Moreover, influenced by the dark-(earning to surpass the worldly life advocated in Wei and Jin period, some scholars even considered addiction to Weiqi as an expression of unconventional and unrestrained behaviors and a way of forgetting sorrows.


The long-lasting well-known story ”Rotten Ax-shaft" in China's Weiqi history also happened in this era. According to “Stories about the Unusual" in the period of Liang of The Southern dynasty, there was a chopper, Wang Zhi, in Xin'an state in the Jin dynasty. One day, he went to the remote mountains to chop with an ax When he saw two lads were playing Weiqi in the mountains, he stood aside and watched. One of them gave Wang Zhi a Chinese date, and he did not feel thirsty and hungry after eating it. Before one game was finished, one of them said to Wang Zhi "you have been here so long that the ax-shaft has already been rotten, and why do not you go home", he looked back and found it was really rotten, So he hurried down the mountains for home.  When he got to the village, all had changed except the stone bridge at the entrance to the village. He even did not know where his home was, and he himself had already changed into a hundred-year-old man from youth.


Weiqi Races in the Southern and Northern Dynasties


Up to the Southern and Northern dynasties, the national Weiqi races appeared as well as the grades standards were decided for the levels of the players. In the Southern dynasty, Liang Wudi was very fond of Weiqi, he ordered his people to set up chess manual, select 278 masters and divide them into nine classes, of which the first Bass was the highest, while the ninth lowest. Modem Weiqi adopts duan grading system, which originates from the Southern and Northern dynasties. Then the players valued their grades greatly, even after death they demanded to have their grades carved in the inscription of their tombstones.


The Flourishing of Weiqi in Tang and Song Dynasties


Up until the Tang dynasty, Weiqi received greater development. Then there was an official position named Weiqi-servant in the Imperial Academy, whose task was to play Weiqi with the emperors. According to the historical records, Tang Xuanzong always ordered them to play Weiqi with him, even when he fled to Sichuan because of the Rebellion of An Lushan and Shi Siming, he still brought them with him. Besides playing Weiqi with the servants, he often did with royal members and chancellors, too.


Weiqi was also prosperous in the Song dynasty.  Song Taizu, whose name was Zhao Kuangyin, the first emperor of the Song dynasty, was one of the Weiqi lovers. When he was only an officer under Chai Rong-the Emperor of Later Zhou dynasty, he had once played with an old Taoist priest in Huashan Mountains and even lost his sword that he took with him every day. In the Song dynasty, not only the kings loved Weiqi, but many famous ministers, such as Wang Anshi, Su Dongpo, Wen Tianxiang etc. were Weiqi masters as well. Additionally, among the average people, Weiqi was also quite prevalent. At that time, there was an amateur Weiqi organization with the tile of ”Chess Garden” among the people, which would organize Weiqi races at fixed intervals. The prevalence of Weiqi also promoted the development of its theory. ”The Classic of Weiqi”, an important work on Weiqi in Chinese Weiqi history, was written by Zhang Ni in the Song dynasty


While in Ming and Qing dynasties, Weiqi developed much more greatly. It was very popular among the common people, and different schools were formed because of the different districts and styles such as the Capital school, Yongjia school, and Xin'an school and so on.


In the early and middle periods of the Qing dynasty, Weiqi was still very active because of the prosperity of the nation, and there emerged a large group of Weiqi aces, such as Huang longshi, Zhou Donghou, and Xu Xingyou etc. Up to the late years of the fling dynasty, with the gradual corruption of the government, it began to decline. On the contrary, Weiqi was doing like a raging ire in the eastern neighbour, Japan. Thus, in the races between China and Japan, the Chinese team seldom won. This kind of situation began to change until 1980s, and Nie Weiping is the master of Weiqi who changed it.


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