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The honors and endorsement deals keep rolling in for Tiger Woods, who on Tuesday won two prestigious sports awards and renewed his contract as a global spokesman for American Express.

The world‘s No. 1 golfer is Sports Illustrated’s “Sportsman of the Year,” becoming the first two-time recipient in the 46-year history of the award.

endorsement deal:广告合同;作为世界头号高尔夫球手,“老虎”伍兹是多家体育用品的代言人,他每年的广告收入都有数亿美元,本周二他又与美国特快续约。


Sports Illustrated:体育画报,一家著名的美国运动杂志;伍兹在周二获得了这家杂志评选的“年度最佳运动员”称号。


He also received the honor in 1996, when he turned pro and made a spectacular splash on the PGA Tour.
It marked the sixth time a golfer has received the award. Prior to Woods, Jack Nicklaus was honored in 1978. .

turn pro:转为职业运动员;伍兹在96年刚刚转为职业球员,而就在头一年,他就凭借在PGA公开赛上的杰出表现获得了“年度最佳运动员”的称号。

prior to:在…之前;伍兹此次获奖是高尔夫球员第六次获奖,之前的一次是在1978年,当时杰克·尼古拉斯也获此殊荣。

Also on Tuesday, Woods was named the most powerful person in sports for the year 2000 by The Sporting News.
The publication picked Woods ahead of the commissioners of the NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball, media mogul Rupert Murdoch and Nike CEO Philip Knight.

The Sporting News:体育新闻;这也是一家著名的体育报社,伍兹这次夺得了他们颁发的本年度“体坛最有影响力的人”的奖项。


mogul:富豪, 权贵。

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