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framework n.①构架 【同】structure ②体制【同】system

frame vt. 给……装框子 n.框子,框架

skeleton n. 【C】①框架 【同】framework ②骨骼 ③梗概,提要 【同】outline

sketch n.【C】①梗概,大意【同】outline ②略图,草图 【同】draft ③素描 ,速写 vt. 绘图,速写

line n. [C]①线,绳 ②一行(字等)③航线,电线『同』course , route ④路线【同】policy ⑤界限,边线 6.行业【同】business v.排队【同】line up【考】in line 成直线,成行

in line with 与……一致 【同】in agreement / accordance with 

line up 使排成一行,排队 【同】queue up

line v. 加衬,做里子

streamline a.流线型的

underline vt. ①强调 He refused to go underlined his dislike at the place ②在……下面画线

underlying a.①潜在的【同】latent ②根本的【同】essential , fundamental ③在下面的

undermine vt. ①削弱……的基础 【同】weaken 【反】reinforce ②暗中破坏 undermine sb’s reputation; His health is undermined by drink 他的身体因饮酒而日渐衰弱

undertake vt. ①着手做【同】take up ②同意,答应 ③承担【考】undertake to do 答应做

undergo vt. 遭受,经历 【同】experience: The new aircraft underwent its well test .

incur vt. 招致,遭受 【同】bring down upon: incur a heavy loss 招致重大损失 ; incur danger 遭受危险【考】incur sth. Through sb. 由于某人招致某事 He incurred a debt through his son.【辨】occur v. 发生

recur v. 再发生

mercury n.[U] ①水银,汞 ②(M)水星

current n. ①趋势【同】trend, tendency ②(水、电空中的)流 a.当前的,流行的 【同】prevailing

currency n. 货币 【同】cash , a paper currency 纸币 foreign currency 外币

occur vi. ①出现,发生 ②存在【同】exist ③想到【考】 occur to 被想到 That kind of thing never occurred to me before.

It occurs to sb. that…… 某人突然想起 It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless boy.

Occurrence n. 发生(的事)

Excursion n. 远足周游

Intercourse n.交际,往来 【同】communication【考】intercourse with 与……的交往

lesson n. [c] ①(pl.)课程 ②教训【考】draw lessons from 从……中吸取教训

teach sb. a lesson 教训某人一顿

course n. ①课程,教程 【同】program ②过程,进程 【同】progress ③一道菜 ④路程,路线【考】of course 当然

in the course of 在……过程中,在……期间

in course of 正在……

as a matter of course 当然的

coarse ①粗劣的,粗糙的,【同】crude ②粗俗的,粗鲁的,【同】vulgar

crude a.①粗糙的【同】coarse ②天然的【同】raw ③粗鲁的

rude a.①粗鲁的,无礼的【同】impolite, ill-mattered ②粗糙的,简陋的【同】crude , gross ③猛烈的,残暴的【同】rough【考】be rude to sb. 对某人很粗鲁

rough a.①粗糙的 ②粗野的,【同】rude,harsh ③粗略的【同】sketchy

thorough a.① 彻底的,周密的 ②十足的 【同】sheer

tough a.①坚硬的②坚强的 ③棘手的【同】difficult

hard a.①困难的 ②硬的 ③艰苦的 ④严厉的 ad. ①努力地 ②猛烈地 【考】be hard on 严厉,苛刻

harden v. (使)变硬

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