
❖ 来源:三思英语 ❖ 作者:张童晨 我要纠错 收藏本文 复制链接 0

1. bring about 使发生,致使

eg: Science has brought about many changes in our lives. 科学为我们的生活带来许多变化。

What has brought about the quarrel?  这场争吵是怎么引起的?


2. bring back  拿回来,使回忆起来,使恢复

eg: Please bring back the book tomorrow.  请于明天把书拿回来。

   Your letter brought back many memories. 你的来信唤起了许多回忆。

   Her stay in the mountains brought her back to health. 她在山里暂住使她恢复了健康。


3. bring down 打倒,击落,打死,降低

eg: He brought the bird down with one shot. 他一枪就把鸟打了下来。

   The government of that country is trying to bring down the prices for food to please the people.  那国的政府正努力降低食品价格以取悦民众。


4. bring in   生产,挣得,介绍引进

eg: He does odd jobs that brings him in 10 to 15 pounds a week. 他打零工每周可赚十到十五镑。

  They brought in experienced people to help./ They brought experienced people in to help.  他们请有经验的人来帮忙。


5. bring…into… 使……处于某种状态,使卷入

eg: The two countries were brought into war. 两个国家都被卷入了战争。


6. bring on  引起,导致,使发展,提出

eg:  He was out in the rain all day and that brought on a bad cold. 他整天在外面淋雨,因此患了重感冒。


7. bring out   取出,使显示,出版,生产,鼓励说出

eg: The company began to bring out a new kind of soap.这家公司开始生产一种新肥皂。

   Alice is very shy, try to bring her out. 爱丽丝很怕羞,要设法鼓励她说话。


8. bring (…) to light 揭露,暴露;使了解到

eg: The investigation brought to light many new facts.  调查揭露了许多新情况。


9. bring up 教育,培养,提出, (军队等)调上来,呕吐

eg: He was brought up by his aunt. 他是由他姑姑养大的。

  These are matters that you can bring up in the committee. 这些问题你可以在委员会里提出来。

 He brought up his dinner. 他把晚饭吃的东西都吐了。

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