最佳工作时长:一周40个小时 多了没用

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There's a reason why we call your day job a "9 to 5." That's eight hours a day we're supposed to be working, which equates to 40 hours a week. If you're justifying the hours with the fact that you're getting more work done, you may be wrong.

In the early 1900s, Ford Motor ran dozens of tests to discover the optimum work hours for worker productivity. They discovered that the "sweet spot" is 40 hours a week — and that, while adding another 20 hours provides a minor increase in productivity, that increase only lasts for three to four weeks, and then turns negative.

Anyone who's spent time in a corporate environment knows that what was true of factory workers a hundred years ago is true of office workers today. People who put in a solid 40 hours a week get more done than those who regularly work 60 or more hours.

Adding to that, people who work long workweeks have a higher chance of burning out. What about you — do you work more than 40 hours a week?

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