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  Part I Opening A Presentation 开场白 
  Jackson Wu is the Marketing Manager for Notson Limited in Beijing, a company that produces fashion sunglasses for men and women. In view of the development prospects of the Chinese market at present, he does some market research. 
  Today, he does a presentation to all members of the Marketing Department, describing the current situation and future development prospect. 
  Jackson Wu是北京诺森公司的市场部经理,此公司专门生产时尚太阳镜。鉴于目前中国市场的发展前景,他做了一个行销企划。今天,他要向部门全体成员做一个简报,描述市场现状以及未来发展前景。 
  Jackson: Good morning everyone and thanks for coming. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Jackson Wu, and I’m the Marketing Manager in Beijing for Notson Limited. I’m here today to present our new ①marketing plan, which is designed to introduce our products to the wealthy Chinese market. Our research shows that there are big profits waiting to be tapped here in China, so we’re excited at the opportunities we see for Notson. I hope that some of our excitement and enthusiasm will rub off on all of you. 
  Jackson: I’d like to start off by outlining a few ②facts and figures about the consumer market in China. Then, I’ll go over the ③standard types of advertising that have been successful for similar products in China in the past, including some recent campaigns that you may have seen. After that, I’ll introduce our analysis of the current opportunities that exist in the Chinese market as we see them. Finally, I’ll finish by explaining how we will go about entering the Chinese market, based on conclusions from our research. A booklet on the marketing plan will be handed out after the presentation, and it will give you all the details that we’ll be discussing here today. There will be time at the end of the presentation for questions and a general discussion, so please leave asking your questions until then. Ok, as we’re all running to a ④tight schedule, I’d like to get to the first point, the ⑤current state of China’s consumer market. 
  Jackson:我首先会汇报一些中国消费市场的实际情况与数据;然后,再说明过去比较成功的典型广告案例,包括近来大家都知道的一些例子。接着,我会给大家分析目前中国市场潜在的机会。最后,通过市场调查得出的结论,我将向大家说明如何打入中国市场的问题。简报之后,我将发给各位一本关于这份行销计划的报告书,里面写得非常详细。简报结束后,是大家自由发问和讨论的时间。因此,若你们有任何问题,请介时提出。我知道大家都很忙,我想马上开始介绍今天简报的第一项主题:中国消费市场的现况。  #p#副标题#e#
  Part I Opening A Presentation 开场白 
  Jackson Wu is the Marketing Manager for Notson Limited in Beijing, a company that produces fashion sunglasses for men and women. In view of the development prospects of the Chinese market at present, he does some market research. 
  Today, he does a presentation to all members of the Marketing Department, describing the current situation and future development prospect. 
  Jackson Wu是北京诺森公司的市场部经理,此公司专门生产时尚太阳镜。鉴于目前中国市场的发展前景,他做了一个行销企划。今天,他要向部门全体成员做一个简报,描述市场现状以及未来发展前景。 
  Jackson: Good morning everyone and thanks for coming. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Jackson Wu, and I’m the Marketing Manager in Beijing for Notson Limited. I’m here today to present our new ①marketing plan, which is designed to introduce our products to the wealthy Chinese market. Our research shows that there are big profits waiting to be tapped here in China, so we’re excited at the opportunities we see for Notson. I hope that some of our excitement and enthusiasm will rub off on all of you. 
  Jackson: I’d like to start off by outlining a few ②facts and figures about the consumer market in China. Then, I’ll go over the ③standard types of advertising that have been successful for similar products in China in the past, including some recent campaigns that you may have seen. After that, I’ll introduce our analysis of the current opportunities that exist in the Chinese market as we see them. Finally, I’ll finish by explaining how we will go about entering the Chinese market, based on conclusions from our research. A booklet on the marketing plan will be handed out after the presentation, and it will give you all the details that we’ll be discussing here today. There will be time at the end of the presentation for questions and a general discussion, so please leave asking your questions until then. Ok, as we’re all running to a ④tight schedule, I’d like to get to the first point, the ⑤current state of China’s consumer market. 

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