用英语说中国传统体育运动:The Basketball Sports in China中国篮球运动(双语阅读)

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The Basketball Sports in China


A long with the Reform and Opening up Policy's carrying on, basketball has become more and more popular in China. You can find people playing basketball everywhere, not only in the residential areas and the countryside, but also in schools and factories. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games brings more bodybuilding thoughts to Chinese people.  At the same time, it brings more chances for the development and progress of sports events including the basketball in China.

1949年8月14日-28日,第十届世界大学生夏季运动会在匈牙利首都布达佩斯举行。中华人民共和国(还没有成立时于解放区)派出了第一支大学生男子篮球队,参加了篮球比赛,当时中川大学生男子篮球队领队黄振声,教练牟作云,运动员是从北京、天津两地选出的陈文彬、王平周、张德山、周宝恩、程世春、冯荣普、谭以津、张文仁。参加这次篮球比赛的有保加利亚、中国、捷克斯洛伐克、法国、匈牙利、朝鲜、波兰、罗马尼亚、苏联共9个国家代表队。中国大学生男子篮球队,在分组预赛中获得小组第四名,决赛时得第六名。预赛中以28 : 68负于匈牙利,41: 72负于捷克斯洛伐克,44: 47负于保加利亚;决赛时以42: 58负于朝鲜,以53 : 48和40:35分别战胜保加利亚和波兰,这标志着新中国的篮球队初登国际篮坛。1954年8月1-7日,第十二届世界大学生夏季运动会在匈牙利首都布达佩斯举行。参加篮球比赛的有奥地利、英国、保加利亚、中国、捷克斯洛伐克、厄瓜多尔、匈牙利、埃及、德意志民主共和国、以色列、意大利、黎巴嫩、苏联共13个代表队。中国也派出了女子代表队参加比赛,中国男、女篮球队领队张联华,副领队柴吉森,女队员有周彭娴、杨洁、马申妹、文制中、朱锦云、郑于莲、蔡明霞、马敬霞、鲍焰津、薛月华、黄文珍、胡英信、黄珍、李少芬。比赛结果,中国男、女队均获第五名。中华人民共和国的篮球队在现代篮球运动中走进国际篮坛,是一件引人注目的事。从1949年中华人民共和国成立,接下来的6年中,中国男、女篮球队共参加16次国际比赛和访问活动,这在中国近代篮球运动中是不可想象的事情。1983年,是中国现代篮球运动腾飞的一年。中国男、女篮球队继在亚洲比赛中获得好成绩之后,中国女子篮球队在第九届世界女子篮球锦标赛上获得第三名。中国男子篮球队于1986年举行的第十届世界男子篮球锦标赛上,在有24个世界强队的比赛中,打败多个欧美强队,荣获第九名。这是中国现代篮球历史性的突破。在随后的一些国际性的比赛中,中国男子篮球队曾经取得了亚洲冠军“五连冠”和世界第八名的骄人成绩。中国女子篮球队也频频夺得亚洲冠军和世界大赛的前几名,使中国男、女子篮球队成为不折不扣的亚洲强队和世界篮坛上两支不容忽视的力量。

In 1949, the 10th World University Summer Games was held in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, 加m August 14th to 28th.  At that time, the PRC(which was not founded then, but the Liberated Area ) send out a university men's basketball team to join in this world match. The leader was Huang Zhensheng, the coach was Mou Zuoyun, and the players all come from Beijing and Tianjin. They are Chen Wenbin, Wang Pingzhou, Zhang Deshan, Zhou Baoen, Cheng Shichun, Feng Rongpu, Tan Yjin and Zhang Wenren. There Nine basketball teams from different countries joined in this basketball match. They were teams from Bulgaria, China, Czechoslovakia, France, Hungary, Korea, Poland, Romania and the Soviet Union. The China university men's basketball team won the fourth place in the group preliminary heats, and the sixth place in the final. In the preliminary heats, the China basketball team was defeated by Hungary with 28 to 68, by Czechoslovakia with 41 to 72, and Bulgaria with 44 to 47. While in the final, the China basketball team was defeated by Korea with 42 to 58, and defeated by Bulgaria with 53 to 48 and Poland with 40 to 35. It's the first time for the PRC basketball team to join in the world basketball match. Then in 1954, the 12th World University Summer Games was held in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, from August 1st to 7th. There were 13 basketball teams from different countries participateing this basketball match. They were teams from Austria, the UK, Bulgaria, China, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, Hungary, Egypt, DDI2, Israel, Italy, Lebanon and the Soviet Union.  China sends out both men's and women's basketball teams to take part in this match. The team leader was Zhang Lianhua, and the deputy leader was Chai Jisen.  The women players were Zhou Yixian, Yang Jie, Ma Shenmei, Wen Zhizhong, Zhu Jinyun, Zheng Yulian, Cai Mingxia, Ma Jingxia, Bao Yanjin, Xue Yuehua, Huang Wenzhen, Hu Yingxin, Huang Zhen and Li Shaofen. Finally, both of the two teams won the fifth places. It's significant for the PRC basketball team to join in the world basketball matches. The China's men's and women's basketball team had participated in 16 world matches in 6 years since 1949, which is an incredible thing for basketball development in China in later-days. The year of 1983 was an important year in Chinese basketball development. After the National Men's and Women's Basketball Team making great achievements in Asian matches, the National Women's Basketball Team won the 3rd place at the 9th World Women's Basketball Championships. Then the National Men's Basketball Team won the 9th place among all the 24 world teams by defeating many strong European teams at the 10th World Men's Basketball Championships in 1986. It's a historical breakthrough in Chino's modem basketball history. Following that, the National Men's Basketball Team had won ”Penta Crowns" in Asian matches and the world No. 8. The National Women's Basketball Team, which often won Asian champion and world tops, has become an important force in the world.


The participating in world match improves the friendship between players from different countries. It also enhances the skills, strategies and communication between players, and balances the skill gaps between different countries. We should admit that the modern basketball developed at a low Starting-Point but improved rapidly in China. Because of many reasons(such as player's physical condition, poor training and skill level, unperfect defense skills, inflexible strategy and lack of qualified centers), the China basketball team had performed poorly in the world. But they improved themselves quickly in just a few years. The Chinese players were swift and flexible in the court. Their agile steps and the ability to hold and hand the ball were always attractive. Their new shot skill, especially the jump shot with one hand or double hands, had the features of speed, sudden and high-point control, which had impressed some of the world players deeply. China basketball players had been far ahead of the world in early shot skill development. Huang Boling, a Chinese basketball player who used“jump in the air and air shot with one hand" displayed first in the world and national matches, influenced the world basketball field greatly.


Along with the quick development of economy, China began to have professional basketball leagues. Now there are more than ten basketball clubs in China. They join in matches held in North China and South China Competition Areas according to their club positions. The PLA "August-first" Men's Basketball Team and the Guongdong Promalks Men's Basketball Team are the two strongest teams of present. As the level of China is professional basketball league is rising, more and more excellent basketball players spring up. For example, Wang Zhizhi, a famous player of the PLA“August-First" Men's Basketball Team, was the first Chinese (and the Asian)player joining in the NBA.  What's more, Yao Ming, who is a player of the Shanghai Sharks Basketball Team, became the first pick of the 2002 NBA draft.  Then he joined in the NBA at the same year and has made great achievements these years.  Apart from that, Bateer (player of Beijing Basketball Team) used to be in the NBA as free player too. It's said that Yi Jianlian, the best center of China who is a player of Guangdong Promalks Men's Basketball Team, is going to join in the 2007 NBA draft, and now he is playing in American Buck. Except for aft these above, two players of the National Women's Basketball Team, who are Miao Lijie and Sui Feifei, are playing basketball in the WNBA. Now more and more foreign players are attracted to join in the China professional basketball leagues too. We believe that the China basketball level will be higher and higher with more and more planers' cross communications.

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