American English slangs 美国俚语B

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B.T.O. big time operator 浪费时间

back in the saddle 重整旗鼓

bad hair day 头发不整

ball up/fold up/bust/flop 失败

bally-ho 大吹大擂

bang up 了不得

barf up one's guts 翻肠倒肚地呕吐

bash 大型派对

basket case 过渡紧张/精神将要崩溃

bawl out 碰钉子

bean pole 高佬

beat gums 空洞无物的讲话

beat him on the spot 当场把他打败

beat one's head against the wall 白费力气

beat one's brain (out) 做事困难,伤透脑筋

beat sb to the draw 抢先某人一步

beat someone by miles 远远强于某人

beautiful but dumb 木美人

beef 抱怨

before you know it 很快

behind the scenes 幕后人物

belch (to) 大声而且粗鲁地打嗝

bell the car 为了众人的利益而承担风险

bend over backwards 竭尽全力

bet on it 有把握

bet your life 你绝对错了

between a rack and a hard palce 进退维谷

between ourselves 秘密地说

big headed 傲慢/自大

big style 大派头

big time 很

biggie 大人物/很重要的事物

bite one's tongue 保持沉默

bite the dust 一败涂地/率在地上

Black Maria 警用大车

blast 欢乐时光

blimp 大胖子

blind leading the blind

bloody money 不义之财

blow it big time 严重的错误

blow one's lines 忘记台词

blow something (all) out proportion 言过其实

boiling point 高潮(恋爱)

bologna 乱讲

bomber 巨型女人

booboo 错误

boogie woogie 淫荡之声

book someone to 警方将某人记录在案

boot-legging 卖私酒者

bootlick 拍马屁

bossy 专制的

bound to 必定

break out in a cold sweat to 突然全身冒冷汗

bric-a -brac 小摆设

bring them back alive 将他们活捉回来

broomstick 瘦如竹扫把


buffed 肌肉发达的

build castle in the air 空中楼阁

bull session 长谈

bummed 失望的

thanks a bunch 十分感谢

burger joint 汉堡店

burn bridge 过河拆桥

burn one's finger 遇到挫折

burn one's boats/bridges 破釜沉舟,自断后路

burn rubber 突然加速

bury one's head in the sand 逃避

bury the hachet 放下武器言和

butter and egg man 有势力的人

butterfingers 抓东西部稳的人

buy into something 接受某事物

buy your story 相信你的鬼话

by and large 大体上

by golly 天啊

by hook or by cook 不择手段

by jove 天啊

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