American English slangs 美国俚语O

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old dog 上年纪的人

old hand 老手

old maid 老处女

old man 老爸,男朋友,老公

old timer 老手,老资格

on a good note 欢尽而散

on a horse 快马加鞭

on a roll 进展顺利,势如破竹

on pins and needles 坐立不安

on the back burner

on the edge of my seat 专心地听和看

on the level 说真话

on the nose 整点,整齐

on the rock 处境困难

on the up and up 诚实,坦率

one track-minded 大脑不灵活

one way or the other 千方百计

oned 神志不清

out and about 户外活动

out and out 完全地

out at elbows 

out of one's hold 脱手

out of form 不合时,不合身

out of it 精神恍惚

get canned 失业

out of my line

out of sort 发脾气

out of spirit 心神不安

over and over 多次地,重复地

over grown 孩子气 

own boss 自己当老板

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