用英语说中国东北旅游亮点Unit 2:长白山自然保护区 (中英双语)

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Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve


Changbaishan means eternally white mountains and is located in the southeast of Jilin near the Korean border. It is China's largest nature reserve and is home to the rare Manchurian tiger, snow leopards and wild ginseng.


Covering a total area of 2 000 square km, Changbai Mountains Nature Reserve is, as a mammoth natural zoo and botanical garden, part of the UNESCO'S Man and Biosphere Program.


The most famous scenic area in Changbaishan is Baitoushan (White Head Mountain) and Tianchi (Lake of Heaven), a 2 million year old volcanic crate lake at the mountain summit. Tianchi has a circumference of 13 km and has an average depth of 204 meters. Surrounded by beautiful mountains, hot springs and waterfalls this area is considered sacred by both Koreans and Manchus.


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