用英语说中国西北旅游亮点Unit 5:交河故城(中英双语)

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The Ruins of Jiaohe


The Ruins of Jiaohe Lying in Yarnaz Gully 13 kilometers were of Turpan, the ruins used to be the capital of Yarkhoto,one of 36 kingdoms of West Territory. The ancient city was first established during the Han Dynasty as a garrison town on a 30-meter-high loess plateau bounded by two rivers— thus the name Jiaohe,which means “confluence of two rivers”. Present ruin of the city,built during the Tang Dynasty,is 1,650 meters long and 300 meters wide. Debris and dilapidated walls and bare foundations are what remain of the place,but the inexorable pace of history is nevertheless keenly felt from the city layout and vestiges of yamens, monasteries, pagodas and back alleys.


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