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There are a lot of books, magazine articles, and other such writings that will try to tell you what a girl really wants, and what is important to her. The problem with an awful lot of them is that they are based on polls of hundreds or thousands of girls.

Why wouldn't you want to ask as many girls as possible? The answer is simple, but not necessarily something everyone thinks about when they read such polls... when you run a large poll, you get a lot of people answering the way they think they are "supposed to", rather than the way they actually feel.

If you want to know the truth, you have to ask people who are comfortable enough with you to be candid. The list below is compiled from conversations with the girls I know (and have known) well enough for them to tell me about things like this.

Keep in mind that, as the title says, this is what matters to a girl on the first date (and possibly the second or third)... not what matters long term. The two are definitely different things, although most of the same things still matter, it's more a matter of which areas are more important (ie looks are far more important at the beginning than later in your relationship... but they DO still matter, even years later).

What Matters To A Girl On The First Date


Most women, when polled, will say looks aren't that important. Most women, when speaking to someone they know, admit that they are important. Let's face it... when you are attracted to someone physically, you look for reasons to like them mentally and emotionally.

Looks affect everything else on this list... because people subconsciously overlook minor bad things, and emphasize minor good things, when they are dealing with someone whom they find attractive. This holds true whether you're interested in a relationship with them or not... that's why attractive people do better in jobs with a lot of personal interaction (like sales).

Oddly enough, it works the other way, too... after you get to know someone, if you don't like them, you'll find them less physically attractive... or if you DO like them, you'll find them more physically attractive.

Conversational Ability

Another thing that women will notice immediately is your conversational ability. If you speak well, and can speak about a wide variety of things, you will leave her interested and wanting to talk to you more... especially if your skills are great enough to allow you to direct the conversation based on her verbal and non-verbal communication.

If, on the other hand, your speech is filled with "uhhh" and "ummm", she may become bored and start thinking about other things... and if you want to leave a good impression on a first date, you have to keep her focused on the present.

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