用英语说中国传统体育:杂技运动- Shuttlecock Kicking踢毽子(双语阅读)

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Shuttlecock Kicking


Shuttlecock has another name shuttle ball. It is made up of a shuttle rudder and feather. A shuttlecock rudder is made of a copper coin or a round metal plate coated with cloth or leather, while the feather is always the plume. People use two sides of the feet, kneel or tiptoe to hit the shuttlecock, and make the shuttlecock continuously upward. That is called shuttlecock kicking.


Shuttlecock kicking had already been very popular in the Song dynasty. A lot of creative kicking methods were invented. Gao Cheng in the Song dynasty thought that many methods of shuttlecock kicking were carried on from Cuju.


The period of its most popularity was in the Qing dynasty. Then not only there were a lot of people kicking shuttlecock, but the methods were greatly skillful. Even the people who lived on shuttlecock kicking appeared.


Nowadays, shuttlecock kicking is still a widespread activity. Shuttlecock kicking competitions are often held especially in primary and middle schools. There are various competitive forms such as single, double and group performances. The contents of the competition are the number of kicking, skills and difficulty degrees of kicking, and the time that one player could maintain the shuttle in the air etc.


The current popular competition method among the folk is: there are six players in the competition, and they are divided into two groups, occupying each side of the field. The field is almost as big as a badminton field. When the competition begins, one side will serve first. The players in the other team could use any part of the body below head and shoulders but hands and arms to kick or shoulder or kneel etc the shuttle. If the shuttle-catch side fails, the serve side will score one point. 15 scores determines the result of the competition, but the winner should be sure to be 2 scores ahead, otherwise, the competition will be going on. To touch the shuttlecock with hand or arm is foul. Then the opponents score one point and have the serve.


Shuttlecock kicking is good for the training of softness and flexibility of the body, and the amount of exercise can be controlled freely, so it is a game that suits the tastes of both old and young, men and women.


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